In the event that a student, class, cohort, or school needs to go to remote learning, we will post information here to help families stay connected.
Searching for Books in the GES Library from Home - this short video provides a brief overview of how to search books in the Gretna School library. One thing it doesn't mention is in the pull down menu on the top left side that may say ALL LIBRARIES, please select Gretna School so it shows the books in our library. Also, if you click on the three ellipses (dots in the bottom right corner) you click to watch the video in full screen.
Gretna School Library Book Search - this link will take you to the Gretna School OPAC page. Here you can check to see what books are available in our library. Please make sure that you have selected Gretna School from the drop down menu in the upper left corner. This will limit your search to only books that we have at our school.
Connecting to TEAMS from Home VIDEO - This video will provide step by step instructions on how to connect to TEAMS. By clicking on the link it will open a window on the internet that will show the video. You can pause or rewind at any point to hopefully make it easier to get connected. Please contact your child's teacher if login username and password have not been provided.
How to Access TEAMS and Join Meetings PAPER COPY - This instruction sheet will provide the same directions as the video. Feel free to print or download to your computer to use at any time. Please contact your child's teacher if login username and password have not been provided.
Office 365 Login - this will allow students to access their online information from home. This could be used for TEAMS, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as other Microsoft products.
Joining a TEAMS Meeting Through Email - this document will provide the steps needed to join a Teams video meeting by accepting an invite from the teacher.