As we work towards reconciliation and enacting the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission we have created this space for links to videos and websites that are great tools to learn and understand the rich history of Indigenous people in Canada. Their culture and history is uniquely tied to our history and as educators we will work to create a greater understanding of that history and the role it plays in the formation of Canada. We feel that this is important work within our system because as Justice Murray Sinclair wrote,
"It is precisely because education was the primary tool of oppression of Aboriginal people, and miseducation of all Canadians, that we have concluded that education holds the key to reconciliation"
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation - A shared vision held by those affected by Indian residential schools was to create a place of learning and dialogue where the truths of their experiences were honoured and kept safe for future generations. They wanted their families, communities and all of Canada to learn from these hard lessons so they would not be repeated. They wanted to share the wisdom of the Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers on how to create just and peaceful relationships amongst diverse peoples. They knew that Reconciliation is not only about the past; it is about the future that all Canadians will forge together. This vision is the legacy gift to all of Canada.
Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba - The Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba (TRCM) is a neutral body, created through a partnership between the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) and Canada with a mandate to strengthen, rebuild and enhance the Treaty relationship and mutual respect between First Nations and Manitobans as envisaged by the Treaty Parties.
The TRCM will enhance and maintain positive intergovernmental relations and cooperation, conduct independent research that advances discussion on Treaty related issues, and facilitate public understanding of the importance and role of Treaty making in building a stronger and healthier nation.
Indigenous Perspectives Education Guide - Middle years and Senior year classrooms guide with lessons and activities for the classroom.
Justice for Aboriginal Peoples - It's Time - A short video shared by the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) that aims to provide information on the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada and why reconciliation is important moving forward